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Knowledge base
Who is the monitor-io service built for?
How is monitor-io testing different?
How does monitor-io work?
Is the monitor-io device easy to install?
What does the term "I/O Monitor" refer to?
View all 18
Getting Started
Do you have introduction or tutorial videos?
How do I install the monitor-io device?
What is the I/O Monitor ID and where can I find it?
Why is my I/O Monitor not powering up?
Why is the I/O Monitor not online after 2 minutes?
View all 6
What types of accounts do you support?
How can I register more than five monitor-io devices?
What are the additional costs for a business account?
I registered two monitor-io devices, how do I give one to a friend/relative?
Why do I have to verify my email ID?
View all 7
Privacy and Security
Will the monitor-io device have access to my private information?
When you scan my network can you see my data?
What kind of network security do you utilize?
How can I see your Privacy Policy?
The Device
What are the specifications of the monitor-io device?
Can monitor-io support my high-speed network?
How much bandwidth does monitor-io consume?
What is the purpose and color coding of the LCD display?
Can I locate the monitor-io device where I can easily see the display?
View all 7
The Service
How is your testing different from Speedtest?
Why don't you use Speedtest to measure performance?
How do you test Internet performance and reliability?
What kind of alerts does monitor-io generate?
How quickly (or frequently) are alerts created?
View all 9
Online Website -
What are "Regional Reporting and Alerting" regions?
What is the "Distance" number shown on the summary page?
Where do the home network device names come from?
Why are Internet test results divided into intervals?
How can I see my external public IP address?
View all 7
Local Website - The I/O Monitor
Why does the I/O Monitor have its own local website?
How can I access the local website?
Technical Insights
The Internet
What are packets?
What is packet loss and why is it important to measure?
What is delay and why does it matter?
How critical is the speed of my Internet connection?
Home Network
What are MAC addresses?
What is DHCP and where is it used?
What is DNS and how is it specified?
If you're not in the data path how do you detect devices?
Test Methodology
Why Gamers Need More Than Speedtest
monitor-io vs. Speedtest
Vocabulary of Internet Performance
The Topology of the Internet and its Impact on Performance
View all 6
Internet Connecivity
Why is the LCD display magenta (or alerts created) when my Internet seems fine?
Why is the LCD display green while I'm having Netflix problems?
Should I expect my Internet service to never go down?
Home Network
What can cause the device detection time graph to look spotty?
Why is my Local (Wi-Fi) Speedtest always around 10 Mbps?
Should the I/O Monitor have a public IP address?
Why are devices missing from the device listing (or device scans timed out)?
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